HAPPY B-DAY KRISSY! 2day is a sad n depressing day. 2day is one of my best friends b-day. The sad thing bout it is that she has been dead for almost 5 months. 2day she would have been 22 yrs old. She died in january due 2 a seizure. When i found out i was in total shock. I didn't know how 2 react. The first impression was that i didnt believe it and it wasnt true. Once i found out i called as many people as possbible. I couldnt believe that she was really gone. Krissy was such a loving, caring, trustful, respectable person etc. She would do nething 4 neone. If u need to talk 2 sum one she would b right there w/ a shoulder to cry on. The picture of the 2 gurls are me n her. She is wearing the white dress w/ da blue flowers n im wearing a blue dress w/ my hair up. Krissy was one of a kind n its a shame that she had 2 die @ such a young age. I have been so blested to have a person like Krissy in my life. She was the best. Im very depressed n sad about the whole situation. I try 2 visit her as much as possible. I love n miss her more n more everyday. Its not da same w/out her here. I cry all da time bc i miss her soooo much. I kno she is in a better place rite now. The hardest time is going to be when it one year since she has been dead. Dat by far is gunna b the worst day. I wish Krissy was still here. I know that she is in heaven looking down on me and watchin over me. I think about her every day n dream of her all da time. KRISSY i just wanted 2 let u know that i was blessed to have u in my life. We had sooo much fun and many good times. Ill never 4get ur grad party. It was so funny! Dat will always b the best memory we shared 2getha. KRISSY I LOVE N MISS U MORE N MORE EVERY DAY. We will meet again when it is my time. I'll never 4get u! muah! * RIP KRISTEN LYN FABIANO! In the Arms of an Angel! Only the Good Die Young *
In Loving Memory of: * Kristen Lyn Fabiano*
* May 28, 1982-January 7, 2004 *
* After glow:
I'd like the memory of me
to be a happy one,
I'd like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
When life is done. *
* Rip krissy 143 n miss u dearly. keep watchin ova us. We will never 4get u gurly! ur in da arms of an angel now. muah! *
whats up?? they were the greatest back in the day! i still love them! my friend met nick! you planning on going to a concert? they are comming on tour in the fall! im so excited