Listening to: running from the rain - thursday
Feeling: exhausted
you fucking suck cock sit diary
i haven't been sleeping much lately
going to bed exhausted
and waking up as if i have never slept
it suxzorz
i love ska not pam
those two are funny always competing and such
in my study today cheska joined the freckles on my arms
just not in the mood for school work
talking about school
its getting to me it really is
the work consuming all your time
and when you arent doing school work
your thinking maybe i should do school work
they put all this pressure on you
and i know what i'm doing is not enough
nothing ever is
i just can't get a grip on it all
yet i dont stress
stressing is something i just dont do
because in the end its just pointless and gets in your way
i hate you school for making me feel so low
xoxo sarah

wait, damnit. pam doesnt have the net. she prob wont read this one. i'll try to make shapes with your freckles next time.