Yes numb is a good description considering half my mouth is numb from this stuff for my toothache. A toothache that comes every two or three weeks and just throbs inside my mouth and makes me wanna break my teeth apart and remove them. That's always so much fun! Right now it'd be bad if got hurt, because I have so much damn aspirin inside of me that my blood would just flow like water from a faucet! Uck, I think I am beginning to take more of it then I'm supposed too, but then I've never read the directions.
So it was my birthday yesterday. Go me right? Yea right. I hate my birthday really, it starts to get annoying to me, it's no longer a happy day really. Everyone at home tries to make it be nice, and that's really sweet. Mom got me sneakers, (which rocked) and my sister Ginny gave me 20 bucks. Ahh cash, always the right size and colour!
Should be going to Harry Potter on Saturday, Becky is going to keep the boys home on Friday so we can't go then (still using one of their cars..woo..I'm so happy about that, remind me to blow my brains out later about that) but maybe on Saturday if I ask in advance.
No more gathering in January, to many conflicting things so we are shooting for the spring/summer, that seems to be going over alot better then anything else so that's something to look foward too as well.
Just for point of fact, I may be an year older, but I'm none the wiser because I find myself in a funny posistion, much like I was last year. Thinking I had done so many things right, only to find out that not only had I done them WRONG, but I had done them SO wrong that I was going to be paying for it for a long time. Nothing like a good smack to the face to remind you of that.
Oh and because I thought it came out looking cool, down below is a thumbnail to a background I made for Corwin using brushes I had just gotten. I love PhotoShop anymore, I just learned how to make my own brushes, just wish I could make a set and all that so I wouldn't keep loosing them when I made more.

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