.::8::. birthday

Today is my birthday. I went to the pool for like 6 hours and now I'm tan and burned. At six I went home and friends and family came over. We ate that cat litter cake, which was really gross. I couldnt eat it. It looked disgusting. Then Branch, Me, coco, and mel watched Jep and JD try to shoot tennis balls in a cannon with lighter fluid, matches and hairspray. They were unsuccessful, but lit the tennis ball on fire and threw it around with a glove. It went flying everywhere and lit the street on fire. Whenever it bounced it made this hollow whooping sound. I swear it nearly lit a car on fire. There are black marks all over the street now. I got my guitar finally, and a cool purse thing, shirts, and freaky shorts, and money. Then we went to jep and branch's pool and swam for like 1 or 2 hours. We hit each other with beach balls. We played volleyball, and sed all the words from keny, schfifty five, and the end of ze world.twas funny. its midnight....bed
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Orlando Bloom is so haWt.

