Listening to: Liam Lynch- United States of Whatever
Feeling: frustrated
Whats goin on...this is my site. It is here that i will come to when i need to clear my mind or when i just don't have nething better to do. and lucky for u get to read it. so... for my first entry i guess ill go into something thats been on my mind lately which is love... and how it sucks. i mean, it only puts people thru hell and all in depressed mode. maybe its just ive never experienced the 'good side' or whatever but i just think people make too big a deal about it. thinking theyre in love when they're just crushing. and then with love... there the idea of marriage. and that i REALLy don't understand. the same person for the rest of ur life? after marriage it seems like is when everyone goes down hill. i have actually yet to find a good marriage. but ne ways... maybe its like i said.. i just don't understand it but nonetheles... id like for it to prove me wrong.

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