Well today I decided that I needed a little typing. Without my little diary that I feel to type in all the time I feel kinda lost. Ugh... hold on.. *phone ringing* It was cory. Of course he wanted to do something, and for the millionth time I rejected a friend during the summer.. I guess I kinda feel like shit today. I feel rejected just as well as rejecting people.. I havent had a ciggarette all damn day, and i think its taking the best of me. I really need that damn thing to let go a little. I have smoked *it up* in 3 1/2 weeks. So i'm doing pretty good.. But now im starting to fall apart. I feel like everybody is rejecting me, and i feel like i should return the favor and reject the world. My parents on one hand are telling me I have a major attitude when i ask a simple question. I mean they flip out that i dont come home all day one day... and I told them 5 times the night before that I was going to be at my sis's all day... okay what do they do, 1am rolls around the following day..."BITCH BITCH BITCH WE DIDNT KNOW WHERE U WERE!" yeahh okayy yyou never care any other day... So whatever... ughmmm idk
ive had some shitty days lately.. bs
Anyways... our toys concert pic:: 4m summerfest.