actually, i'm feeling 'fat and sassy'. but anyways. my hair is in pigtails. hee hee. so, i'm sitting here singing, and i'm in a great mood. chris is at work, dawn's out, and monte is sleeping on the chair beside me. i like this song. it's a cute little melody. "i was thinking, that i might fly today, just to disprove all the things that you say". i think i might look up the chords on the net, and play it on my guitar. i just did my hair and my makeup, and i'm feeling better than i have in a while. i've gained so much weight! well, actually not really. but ten or so punds is a little out of hand, especially since i lost twenty or so since july, and then i get half of it back! frick! oh, now i'm listening to heartbreak town by the chicks. nattie! remember when i sang this at amanda's? and it sucked so bad! ah, good times. i missed singing so much. i was talking to the midnight guy, mike, last night, and we were saying how we used to do so many things and now we just don't. he used to do stand up comedy, but now he just thinks he sucks. and me, i used to sing, write, paly guitar, and now, no. but perhaps i will get back into the swing of things. hell, i'm singing along right now. but yeah. chris and i worked together yesterday, and i froze my hands so bad. but i've got the day off. woot! so i'm going to play some more mario sunshine, or some game ross found on the net called kingdom of loathing. rawr.
the one, the only, laura michelle*

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this quiz was made by alanna