First of all for those that read this that I haven't told, me and Joey finally officially broke up a little over a month ago for various reasons that I had refrained from posting as to spare his feelings and keep from having anymore arguments with.
I finally got to put a face to the name Malachi about a month ago and we realized that we had met my first year at renfest while I was fishing for men by the enchanted forest, he was the only one who actually caught my cup, if he had held on a little longer then both of our lives would be drastically different now. But I guess everyone has made choices in the past that they've regretted so I guess I'll just have to get over that detail, even though the number times I'd actually almost met him boggles my head and makes me want to hurt the people that intentionally prevented us from meeting because they knew what would happen and how content we would make each other to say the least.
My last grandpa died on the 8th, but even my dad says there's nothing to be sorry about when people offer their condolences because he was joking right up to the end, even asking if me and Gabriel had gone and gotten married without telling him, so naturally my aunt had to tell that story at the funeral.
I'm getting over a really bad sore throat, which was almost swollen shut. Work still sucks at Walmart and though I may say this alot, I really do intend on applying at some spas around the area soon.
I think that about sums up my life as of late, I just wanted those who knew me long ago to know that I am myself once again with ever-growing memories and the gaps in them shrinking slowly away, for I have missed my family and am glad to have found at least some of it again, though I wish the rest of it would return as well to allow me to remember more of my own past even if they want nothing more to do with the family as a whole. I have found my place in the pack I wish for others to return and claim their places as well.