To whom it shall concern,
I just picked a random mood. lol. I figured I would put some pics of me and kayla in here. I am so very bored:|

^Lets Just say *COUGH* Kayla is a freak *COUCH* 8D We look kind of stoned. Hehe:)

^Kayla was measureing her. . .well. . .you know;) lol. J/K. She was trying to do the loser thing while I was calling her a skank. Hehe. Yes, we're crazy biotches. lmao.

^I donno????We just liuke takeing pics of oursleves. *SO* concedded:P

^I really don't think any of these turned out good :X

^We were acting all serious. lmao.
Well thats all for them. Damn, I really need to go and update my icon thinger. Ugh. I just really don't wanna. lol. Well bye. Enjoy the pics! :)