Labor Day weekend...
Well, it's not over yet, but it was an okay weekend. I got to see Allen, so I'm obviously satisfied. Here are some pictures... I'll write more later.

first football game, well scrimmage.

awww. i love this picture. is it just me, or are football players like the hottest thing in the world?

the girls chillin at the game.
more later!
I was going through old entries, reading about last year and everything, and I came across some more annonymous comments. Can everyone please stop bashing on my life and get their own, and quit wasting their time on trying to create frowns, and start to create smiles? I mean seriously, why does everyone have to be so negative?
I havn't written in here at all ever since school started, and there isn't too much to say.
I'm happier without dance, I know this as a fact. It's too bad my passion had to be thrown away by being unhappy with the enviroment I was in. To be perfectly honest, I miss dancing like crazy, but then I sit there and think about what I deserve, and I don't deserve how they treated me, so in return the don't deserve me. I'm moving on, I'm living high school finally, as everyone should, it only comes around once. It's nice to have a life, and actual time to do homework. I did get a call from the ballet teacher I'm gonna start taking from again. She called to ask me if I wanted to be in the Nutcracker this year. DUH. She then went on to tell me that they had already has auditions, but she would cast me anyways, and she said that she would arrange some solos. Now, THAT is what I deserve.
School is school. Nothing special. Not what it used to be. But cheerleading does make it somewhat exciting.
It's especially hard since Allen is gone. Sometimes I think about how I'm too young to have a long distance reltionship, but then again, I'm too young for a lot of the things I do. I know that it's going to work out, but it's definatly not easy. I just have to keep thinking that in the long run it's just going to make us closer. Even seeing him yesterday made me feel like we had grown closer. It's so hard to rely on the phone to keep a relationship together, but it's what we have to do. Even seeing him yesterday for the short amount of time wasn't good enough. Even when he was standing right next to me, I still missed him. I just can't wait until he comes home to me. :)
Thats all.