so the parents came and got all my stuff and took it home now i have nothing but my computer and im bored out of my mind. i wish i could see Holly today but i dont think i will. i finished painting my ceramics man its pretty cool, see...

i dont know, hopefully ya like it...
ehh while im at it here some more pics of me, i figured im bored an need something to do so here goes...

yeah yeah yeah that is me. and im all Hollys :D well Garin just stopped by and is gonna get his laptop and maybe i can help him revise an english paper he has to do. i hate english but its something.
but yeah, your work is very awesome. very creative. i also enjoy your hair. you have cool hair.
also, for your poll, i thought the picture at the top (not the top_left pic) looked like santana when i first saw it. but i'm also very odd. so...
you also look like my ex. but he's not famous. he's rather moronic.
take care :)
take care again
oh well