Listening to: TV in background-Players Club
Feeling: ghetto
Today wus my second day at High School. It wusn't so bad. I knew wut I wus doin. I made a couple of new friends. It wus jus a regular school day tho. This boy I knew from middle school, we have all out classes together. And he flirts with me a lot. He likes to touch me. Even tho I tell him to stop, he still attempts to try and touch me. And it's not in a bad way, it's jus a flirty way. And tha bad thing is, I don't even like him.But ne ways, it wus a coo day at school.
Ummmm, wut else happened today. Really nuthin I jus came home and I jus watched tv, listened to tha radio, and jus finshed tha work I didn't complete at school. And then I went in tha hallway and talked wit muh friends. We had a good conversation, LOl i guess. But me and muh friends all ways have fun talkin. LOl i dont kno how, I think its
bcuz we always make each otha laugh a lot.
Well....UMMMM, at school there is a lot of cute boyz. black boys,white boys, and mexican boys, they all look GOOD!! I guess it won't be long before I get wit one of them(LOLZ). High School jus seems more.... I dont exactly know. But I like it. It's not wut I expected at all. Welp, I guess I am gonna stop tha writin here. So holla at me if yaw can. If ya got comments go ahead and drop them off!!
Even tho I ain't mexican I like Selena.
