I am home from new york. I miss being there already. I miss my grandmother and I miss her trying to pick out guys for me. We would sit there and she would scream "Oh, Sara! There's a hot one", and she would point. I'd follow the direction her finger to the least attractive person in the room, and she would burst out in laughter. My grandmother may be 69 years old, but she has the soul of a child. I miss my grandfather and the way he would allow no silences in conversations. Most of the time I didn't understand what he was saying, but I would laugh and smile at the right places and it doesn't matter if I had the wrong reaction, he would continue on with another story. I miss Ithaca, and all the different faces and all the different styles. I miss the political differences from New York. Now that I'm back in North Carolina, I swear even the air smells of neo-conversatives.
It was all so unusual. I spent quite a few nights at the racetracks. I wish we had that here. There's nothing like betting on horses and yelling. I saw my cousins. They're all such beautiful people. I saw death and birth. My cousin had a beautiful daughter. I went to a funeral. I met my dad's best friend in highschool. I miss the country side. However, I do not miss the skunks. I saw my uncles. I saw my aunt. I saw relatives I never knew existed. The list of events go on and on. I took too many pictures but most of them are on my father's laptop.
On the way home we stopped in D.C. and we saw a friend. We ate at a restaurant on Capital Hill which will probably be one of the nicest places I'll eat on for the next ten years. We went to his condo- my father drove and I rode on the back of the motorcycle. We toured his work, and my father and I had the opportunity to enjoy the D.C. traffic in a thunderstorm.
I'm home, but I hate it. I feel like I'm back into my old habits. I was suppose to waitress on the 14th but I wanted one more day of training. Dawn told me to call her when I returned, but I couldn't get through to her. Today was my last opportunity of training for the 14th, but I can't go, and I don't know if she still wants me to waitress tomorrow.