The Saturday after Thanksgiving my guinea pig Moo-Moo passed away. He was the last of my boys. I miss him a lot. He loved to be a brat he would bit you if you didn't say hi to him before you picked him up, he liked to sit in my hair and hide or just chew on it lol. He love oranges and carrots but his favorite was raisins. He love all kinds of music and he would sometimes run around his box when I would listen to something he really liked such as Dance Dance by Fallout Boy or Round n' Round by Ratt. Some of the funny things I remember was when ever he heard Kenny sneeze he would jump and spin around because he liked the sound or he knew that he was making him sneeze and he thought it was funny maybe both. He had a big green ball that he loved to roll around and make lots of noise with. His really name was Inuyasha but I called him Moo-Moo because when I first got him he had a cold and he would make a sound like he was mooing. Moo-Moo was fine then Friday night he got sick I was up all night with him then when I vet opened I called and they said to bring him in but I knew he wouldn't make it and he didn't he died in my arms in the car on the way to the vet. My vet said he died of old age not some sickness like my others that's a small comfort to a big pain in my heart that is nestled in my heart with the rest of loved ones I've lost I hope I don't have to make room for anymore for a long time. I lost Moo-Moo 3 months after Kouge I think Moo just missed him too much.