Listening to: Jefferson Airplane
Feeling: old
My boy is on his way back to me.
God it's only been 3 months, but he makes me feel more ok than I did without him, and I love him because he's so not what I am.
He's the place I escape to not like with the other one who lead me to escape by a method that lead me to my further destruction. He left me with a fragile mind, a fragile heart, a fragile body and some hate!
Today is a better day than the rest so far. I woke up full of sleep, I weighed myself and i've lost 5lbs this week AND with it went my appetite.
I feel....hmmmm...I'd say I feel quite chipper! I've got my new T-shirt on, the 'Gnar Candy' one from these guys in Canada. The sun is shining (sorta) there's just one bad thing...THE BUS! I gotta get the bus to Kris's and it takes so long and I just HATE taking the bus, It gets me paranoid BIG TIME!
so...peace out

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