Hey everyone o thanks for all the comments i got....not!!! i don't mean to coby you amelia but i had nothing to write.
[A]ge: 15
[B]irthday: sept. 29
[C]olor(s): Black, Red, pink
[D]ream boy: Dustin
[E]ducated at: WSHS
[F]riends (best): Sam, Dustin, Brittany, Ashley, Cody, (so many i can say them all)
[G]reatest thing: Love
[H]appiest moment: A moment with Dustin
[I]m always: happy (sometimes)
[J]ealous of: beauitful women
[K]issed?: Only person I've kiss is Dustin
[L]ocation: Winona, MN
[M]ood: I'm in a Happy mood right now
[N]ame: Cassandra
[O]bsession: Figure Skating and my friends im obsessed with Dustin (so what if i am)
[P]izza: A lot of Cheese
[Q]uestion: ?????
[R]andom: ????
[S]ecret?:Woundn't you like to know...
[T]alent: Figure Skating and ummm dont know..
[U]nique ability: ummm... pretty flexible.
[V]ery best thing about me: My hair
[W]orst thing about me: My tummy
[X]es: Shane, Robert, Dylan, Devon, John.
[Y]our fav. food: Anything im hungry for
[Z]odiac: Libra
and thanks.. lol