Listening to: sleep - dandy warhols
Feeling: hollow
this thing is too long, so im shortening it, ha!
Age: 14
Sex: female
Where do you live? ventura & van nuys, ca
What school do you attend? oxnard high, haha, but im going to foothill... soon!
Siblings? 1 half sister, carey
Pets/animals: 6 effing cats
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Hair color: brown/red
Eye color: blue/green
Height: 5'2'? i think.
Do you have a certain fashion you follow? yeah, unm i have my own style!
How are you today? who wants to know??
What does your hair look like at the moment? well its wet right now, haha, but its long & yeah, but im cutting it short tomorrow.
What song are u listening to right now? belle & sebastian - get me away from here im dying
How is the weather right now? its fucking ashy & gross.
Last Dream you can remember? me making out with some guy & getting into a long line, it was weird. What time is it? 9:25 p.m
More About YOU!
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? thats a lame question, id be red! - my favortie colorrr
Have you ever almost died? YES!
What's the next CD you are going to buy? ha! bright eyes, belle & sebastian, postal service, modest mouse, orrr, grandaddy & yeah i need to go cd shopping, thank you for kazaa
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why? welll, id be 2 inches taller, skinnier & have perfect skin, haha.
Where do you shop the most? downtown
How many kids do you want to have? unless i fall madly inlove, none.
Son's name? alvin
Daughter's name? kya
Do you do drugs? yes, & whoever else drinks soda has, because caffine is a drug!
Shampoo? ummm, what about it?
What are you most scared of? um, death!
Do you have your own phone line? not anymore thanks to my nazi mom
Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone? yeah! when i fell off my roof! haha
Is cheerleading a sport? yeah right, no!
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? 673 & 1/2!
Do you have a crush? yes many...
61. Who is your crush? jerrid, patrick, jesse, taylor, justin - all guys at my school, but there not very big crushes
Thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair, & then personality
Do you find yourself attractive? it depends what kind of mood im in, right now id say no.
GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)
68. Curly or straight hair? either way, but i like it shaggy
Tall or short: taller than me is a plus
Six pack or muscular arms? six pack?
Good or bad guys? either way but i think bad guys are a bit hotter
Hat or no hat? a hat would be cool
Tan or no tan? it depends, a pale boy is cute, but so is a tan one, hmmm...
Stubble or neatly shaven? are you talking about their penis?? haha
What sport should he play? maybe surfing? but id rather him play guitar, or be in a band because thats fucking hot!
Lights on/off? off!
Sun or rain? rain
Do you like scary or happy movies better? scary movies all the way
On the phone or in person? in person, defiantly.
Hugs or kisses? combined! oohh your getting dirty haha
Glass half full or half empty? full, im optimistic!
Skiing or snowboarding: im gonna try snowboarding next time i go to mammouth but all i know how to do is ski.
Sunset or sunrise: sunset, duhhh
Color:red or blue
Food: im turing into a salad freak
Fast Food? arbys! no contest
Sport? surfing or riding my el-bike-o
Store? thrift store, helllo? can you hear me?
Scent? vinilla... jasmine vanilla
Teacher? mr decker - drama, hes the best!
Ever gotten dumped? yes, i prefer it that way
Broke the law? many timess
Ran from the cops? i guess you could call it that
Stole something? hmmm yeah!
Tried to kill yourself? once but not really, im lying!
Cried to get yourself out of trouble? umm yessssssss!
On a Final Note
Do you like filling these out? no i thionk these things are stupid, & nobody reads them
Why did you fill this out? i thought it would be fun, guess i was wrong!...
in other news im a bra size larger! every one applaud! yay! haha, please read my survey it took forever!

i love u!
i lilke your BOOBIES!
Those are fun to read/fill out, as long as they are too friggin long.
Then you get bored with it, and say screw it. I know i do. :)
thats in that one thing were they ask you thought id show you
bitch! back off xfagx.
ooo lalalalalalalahhhhh.
you didn't stop by stoooped.
and i cant see your hair tomorrow cause im going to jordens. gawd. i hope jacob isnt there, but its ok because him and allan cook didnt even remember who i was. and when i said hi to bailey the first day of school, hes all, hi? who are you? lmao.
love ya.
that was totally fucking random..
my pants are off right now.