Listening to: kevin and mr vandusen talking
Im tyring to do my history work and all it is dong when i trey to get onto microsoft word to print my picture, it keeps telling me that another msi process is running. well durned if know. I tried to find the msi process ad shut it down but I CANNNNT GEEESSSSSH hate shcool security settings. want to destroy proxy. *twitch*. must destroy proxy *twitch*
*beats computer with a bat*
there, i feel better.
Kevin, who is the epitome os goofing off is yelling at me for being on sitdiary. I guess hedes just froze over. I am typing rilly fast today. Vandusen doesnt relaize that i am not doing what i am supposed to be. cool.
oh crud hes handing out our tests. poo. I hope i got a good score on it.
*drumroll plllllease*
I got a 90 but im gonna geta d etentio if i dont turn in my stupid factogram thing. so i guess i have to do it.
O, neato, acutally im multitasking-- working and wiritng. I just found a pciture of peoiple bulding the national road. here it is, if you give a rice krispy about it.
hehe. cool.

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