Donn E616: hi
ElectricoBanana: nigger!!!!
Donn E616: butthead!!
Donn E616: i'm back!!!
What a way to reunite :)
I hope I can handle myself at this party... 15 tops guys, including Ellison... how can I keep my head pointed in one direction?
Oh, wait. I forgot how much I really like him.
I ended the conversation wonderfully.
ElectricoBanana: goodnight
Donn E616: goodnight butthead
ElectricoBanana: but wait
ElectricoBanana: you have to do my a favor
Donn E616: whats that?
ElectricoBanana: when you fall asleep, dont think about anything, just let yourself sink and drift and go on a wonderful flying trip as you fall into sleepworld
ElectricoBanana: try it
Donn E616: hmmm sounds delightful
ElectricoBanana: im sure you can because you're so exhausted
Donn E616: i shall try it
ElectricoBanana: thats the best time for it
ElectricoBanana: okay now, goodnight
Donn E616: goodnight
He bought me souvenirs and made a special picture just for me:

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