The morning of April 26th- My parents were out of town and I was bored. It was purely out of entertainment, but when I was laying with you after... in the same bed as the first time...
The night of May 9th- You stayed with me as I cried all night over something another person did
The night of June 25th- You called me and told me that you ate a bottle of Tylenol, I could feel my heart break
The evening of August 24th- I had planned for it to be the last time I saw you in a long time. You held me as I cried, and we kissed goodbye standing up, for the first time since we were 13. I knew it couldn't be the last time
The early morning of August 30th- My whole body shook after we made love
The early morning of August 31st- You and Dane were drunk. He made me cry, and you scolded him. Then rubbed my back and "shhh"-ed me. You told me I was the only girl you wanted to be with.
The morning of August 31st- When I got back into bed after using the bathroom, you wrapped your sleepy arms so tightly around me... I can't even describe the perfection of that feeling...
The evening of September 28th- I watched you cut yourself, I've never felt closer to you
It's October 30th... when we woke up yesterday morning, I straddled you and told you that you were my best friend and that I love you. Now I know every day. Maybe not every minute of every day... but undoubtedly every day.