I got a candy cane off the christmas treee!!! I'm happy :-)
Went for a meal with mes cousins yesterday, twas cool. I think they were rather shocked at the fact that myhair had turned black since I last saw them... They loved it. I know they did. Like all stuck up bitches do. Mwahaha.
I did some camwhoring with Aimies camera yesterday. Well, it would have been camwhoring if the camera hadn't have taken 2 pictures, gone "FEED ME BATTERIIIIEEESSS!!!!" and then died. But it did. So this is what I got.

My preciouussssss.

The top of my head. With a bit of T-shirt and a foot. And note the music stand at the top. Heh heh.

Me being a whore.
You looooooves it. :oD
Hehe I'm giving my candy cane a blow job.
Haha my brother just dipped his candy cane in his coke and called it coke-cane.
"You gonna come to Liverpool tomorrow then?"
"I don't know! I've got fuckloads of work, and I'm supposed to be meeting Tom in Leeds at some point, and I go back to college on thursday which reminds me I've got a compostion to finish..."
"Lucy, you coming or not?"
Yeah I can tell you were grinning like a cheshire cat just like me you git. :o)
you look pretty!
i like your beads
love hannnah
i love the last picture, very s-e-x-y!!!
god i hated my teacher! and his nose hair! lol at least you camer flashed, mine refused to flash and we got red fuzzy blurs! how gay is that?
oh and your title...best song ever. best band ever. you rock.
Have you got a boyfriend yet, then?
It's been a couple of days.
i hope that didn't sound too weird.
i'm coming to england next week! woohoo!!