He gives me the tingles.
He makes me happy no matter what. But it's driving me crazy. I love the way he touches me, holds my hands, smells, talks, looks, acts, swiftly finds a way to surprise me. I love just the way he is.. just everything about him. I want him so bad, but I don't know what to do about it. I want to do what Cassen told me, to just grab a hold of his hair and kiss him. Jaac said it was hot, but I want to do it to Brandon.. Eek. I really love the kid, but I really don't know what I'm going to do about him.
But I'll tell you a story.
This morning I came into school. Ready to see him, but only finding myself in disappointment. So I sit in the middle of B-C and Jessica on one side of the table. Then Brandon walks in with all his glory and sits across me. Now remember, we're all facing in front of us. Like B-C, Jessica, and I were facing away from the table and Brandon was facing towards the table/my back.
Seating Arrangement #1-
Purple Left- B-C
Purple Right- Jessica
Red- Me
GreenishBlue- Brandon

Then I went to talk to Hannah because she had just come in and I left the table. So Brandon moved to my seat and yeahh, when I came back I took his old seat.
Seating Arrangement #2-
Purple Left- B-C
Purple Right- Jessica
Red- Me
GreenishBlue- Brandon

Then out of no where Brandon stands up and comes and sits next to me.
Seating Arrangement #3-
Purple Left- B-C
Purple Right- Jessica
Red- Me
GreenishBlue- Brandon

See that really surprised me and I thought I should share it with someone. Oh well, then he grabbed my hand since I was cold and well. yeah, held it. Hm, then he walked me to first period and in the staircase I looked behind me [because he was walking so slowly] and he kissed me.. I turned around because I was blushing and grinning like an idiot. But anyways, he walked me to 1st period. :D Hm.. Then after 1st I went to my locker to get my biology book and he met me by my locker and walked me to second and kissed me before I entered 2nd. Leah saw and she was questioning me non-stop, but I was just smiling and giggling. Hm, then I went to my locker to get my books for third and I met him by the rail, he walked me to 3rd and then yeahh. Then fourth, I went downstairs.. and I gave him a hug and we parted. Then during lunch I went to the band room and played hackey sack and then after that I met him by my locker.. and well.. yeah. We just flirted and stuffies and as we were walking to my fifth period the bell rang so I was late.. so I gave him a hug before Mrs. Owens closed the door and he wouldn't let me go. So I looked up to see what was going on and he kissed me :) Hah.. so yeahh. I'm super happy, more stuffies happened but I'll keep those to myself. Today was a great day but I'm really confused,but I do know I love him. He's the only one that can make me react the way I do to him. It's crazy. :D