Today Jenn and i went on an adventure !
To my old home in Kilarney
It was super fun !!
When we got there after a ton of uphill walking we reached a indian resteraunt.
An overpriced CRAZY indian resteraunt!!

With a very confuzzling menu!
The waitor was very angry .. and creepy . The washroom was haunted .
Oh my!
Then we found my old house !!!
and a million parks .. honestly Kilarney is filled with park I want to move there so that I can wake Jenn up at 2 am and go to the park .. sound good?

My old house!
Then we found the magical forest!

And I could have sat in its splendor forever !

Do you feel the sun?

Fun in the sun and grass!

now what ??



I like to make fun of those blasted girls on nex!
I laugh right out loud!

Maybe .. too loud ?

Simple mind simple pleasures

What are the chances we would find this???!!
Oh the scandal!