Listening to: Dashboard Confessional
Feeling: unique
Wow. I need to update more.
Well, in about 9 hours, I will be in Hershey Stadium with my family (gag) to see Beck AND THE ROLLING STONES!! Hell yeah! I'll put up with my family if it means being rewarded with good music...
So yesterday, we had the most un-pep pep rally in the history of pep rallies. The highlights of the pep rally were yelling "GO HOME FRESHMEN!" and some ugly fat kid streaking. It wasn't pretty, but it was funny as hell.
Then I went to the big football game of the year with Nicole. Oh my gosh, what a BLAST!! I saw ... Mike (double gag)... there. I DO NOT WANT TO LIKE HIM ANYMORE. But it's so hard when your friends keep calling you a liar and/or asking you why and you really don't feel like explaining. To make it brief... I had a crush on him since the 8th grade. I'm now a sophomore. That is REALLY unhealthy. So... anyway... after Red Land kicked Cedar Cliff's ass, Nicole and I walked to McDonald's and got some fries. YUM! As we were walking out, Clayton (this fat perv who thinks we're his friends) tried to steal our fries and Nicole almost kicked him in the balls! I know that's so mean but if you knew Clayton, you'd want to too.
Then we talked to these 8th graders from CV and Mechanisburg. (We thought they were freshmen!) I gave them my fries! Haha...
So that's about it.
don't mind me... i'm a perdedor...