Listening to: Danny\'s Song - Loggins and Messina
Feeling: sorry
Ach. Track is mildly hellish and its making me not able to walk like ever. Everyday this week I've had track till 4 or 4:30ish, then I come home, do a bit of homework, then go back to school at 6 for rotary show practice. Spot booths are fun... 0:)
right bri and steve? heehee
so anyway, i've been insanely busy, 5 week reports are coming and im SCREWED!!!, and i can't walk up or down stairs without the assistance of a railing and a wall.
and now for this thingy
1. Take your blogger username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc...
beautifulday= alot of numbers i forgot
2. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number: 97
3. Add the digits of the number together: 16
4. Find the post of this number in your journal.
5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post: so
6. Use the resulting word in a google image search, and select a picture from the first page and post the results
My Picture:

♥ Ashie