So after finishing Olivia's animal collection, I had a crapload of cotton left over in fifty million different colors. Around the same time, my washer and dryer began to abuse my dishcloths for no apparent reason so that when they came out, they were all broken up and frayed. I took the hint and found this pattern for a basic dishrag.
Finished products:

All in all, I think I made about eight or nine dishcloths, though only five are shown in the picture. They're very nice and they work well. Seeing as my two hands are my dishwasher, dishcloths with big nubs to help me along are really awesome. Some of the ones with stripes don't match colorwise at all, but I was trying to use up the yarn, so I did what I had to do.
Yarn - Sugar & Cream %100 cotton
Needles - size 11's or 13's, I really don't remember. They were huuuge, though, especially after knitting the tabi [tiny yarn and tiny needles].

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