i hate mondays. today sucked. work sucked. hw sucked. my mood sucked. everything sucked. ugh
and to top it off, im pmsing, so im arguing with everybody, n everything. pfft.
i started an argument with my bf over NOTHING. ugh.. then it always ends bad, all cuz im retarded n cant control my emotions.
whatever. i need to win the lottery n move far far away. from everyone. jus me n my bf..
that would be heaven.
well anyways. i finally got my car painted..
BAM!! =D =D =D

yayyyy.. loooove it.
now im jus waiting to get my underbody n interior neons installed =]
and all my decals.
thenn time to save up for rims.
considering the ones i want are like 2 grand. pffft.. nice.