A Story, By Kayley and Sarah
One day we were hiking up Green Canyon. We found this random trail, and it was blocked by boulders, our adventurous spirit kicked in and we climbed over them and headed up the steep trail! We pushed away bushes and climbed rocks, and still we continued up the rocky trail. Then the trail narrowed and it became harder to follow! We nearly lost our way! It became steeper and steeper. We had to watch our steps to keep from tripping over sharp stones, which kept trying to bite into our feet. We pushed a hanging tree branch out of the way. Kayley gasped and saw pieces of bone scatter hither and thither!

”Look Sarah, a skeleton,” the two girls stared in shocked amazement at the bleached bones.

Suddenly, they heard a deep, foreboding, growl. Kayley looked up as Sarah let out a blood curdling scream! Standing on top of a humongous rock was a mountain lion! As he crouched down as if to pounce, ready for its next meal, Kayley screamed “Run!”
Sarah took off running with Kayley close on her heels. The lion was hot pursuit. Faster and faster we ran, but still he was gaining on us! Suddenly, we almost tripped over a herd of sleeping Furbies.

Sarah’s instincts kicked in, she picked the fattest one and kicked him over.
“OooooOOOO,” said the furby, “Big hurt.”
Sarah and Kayley kept running. The lion skidded to a halt before the heard of furbies.
The furby noted “biIig.... kit-ty.”
The lion’s eyes grew big with fright, at seeing such a horrific creature for the first time. It turned tail and ran away howling in terror.
We watched in amazement as the lion disappeared from sight. We couldn’t believe it, we were saved by a herd of furbies. We, however, made a hasty exit before they could follow us home.
~Amyelk Out
:) sounds fun