so...this Friday it happens.
i think its officially a fetus now.
ive gotten a little fat. like when i used to have that little beer belly of mine. but is from eating all the time. i get so hungry so often.
im going to get a copy of a picture from the sonogram. 2 actually, one for me and one for Andrew. ill try to remember to scan it and post it for you guys (and by "you guys" i mean Racheal + Kira, of corse, der.)
speaking of Andrew, weve kinda been at odds latelt. i dont know if thats the right term for it, but weve been a little...distant i guess. it sucks. when i want to get close to him, hes being a little shit; when he wants to get close to me, i feel like shit. and i constantly feel like shit. i dont think i could ever handle having a child.
im gonna go to bed now.
oh, and Kira, i only told you i was kidding b/c mom told me not to tell you cos she said you would tell GM so GM wouldnt like me anymore. i dont know why i believed that. i know you wouldnt do anything like that to hurt me. also, i just got your vmail, thanks, and you were right, dad didnt tell me you called. my phone got taken up about...oh..7-8 weeks ago, i just got it back this weekend. stupid fucking AISD and their stupid fucking rules against cell phones. dicks.
anyway, i love you two. KEEP IT REAL NIGGAS!
ED!T: photographs for zea werld

my sexy man with his huge joint, hehe

now he has my thong on his head

deedeedee! me in the van on the way to Indiana. sexy i know..

me suckin on my mans huge joint, thats so dirty..

Carena and little Edward Fey Wong Pepe Le Bruski IV
now its time for my sky photographs. i LOVE taking pictures of clouds:

thats across the Westgate Cinema next to the new Buffet Palace. me and Carena had just gone to see Charlie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. and look! and rainbow between two bums! and look at that one bum's boil under his ear, eeeeewwwwwwww!
now its time for art:

an Ixi, a Neopet

i painted that at GM's house like over 3 years ago. its so pimp.

my little alien dude. i draw a bunch of crap like him. mmm...creepy alien masturbation.

those last arnt what i call "art", but theyre close. thats me btw. turned the yellowish one into a small blog for my shop on its pimp.
thats all, hope you enjoyed.